Embracing Creative Blocks: How to Trust that Your Creativity Comes Back

Creative blocks can be very frustrating, especially when you're itching to start something new or finish a piece you’ve been working on. As a digital artist, I’ve struggled with them myself, but over time, I’ve learned a few tricks to help me embrace the pause. Instead of trying to overcome it, I see it as a sign that I need a break to recharge and let my creativity rebuild naturally.

Reframing Creative Blocks

There is a lot of talk online around creative blocks being something that has to be overcome to regain productivity.

While I understand this might be crucial if art is your paid job, I prefer to approach it differently—by embracing these blocks as a natural part of the creative process rather than a threat.

It’s natural that you can’t create all the time. Remember, your body and mind are not doing anything abnormal—they’re simply reacting in their own way, and there’s no need to punish yourself for it.

1. Allow Yourself a Break

One of the first things I’ve learned is to allow yourself regular breaks. Show yourself some grace and don’t push if the creativity isn’t flowing. Forcing myself to create, even when I really want to, usually just leaves me anxious and frustrated with my work, draining me even more.

Stepping away can actually be the best thing for your creativity. It gives you space to reset and come back with fresh energy.

Whether it’s taking a walk, doing something totally unrelated to art, or just relaxing—sometimes the best ideas come when you stop trying so hard to come up with them.

2. Enjoy Other Media

For me, creative block feels like you've poured all your creative energy out of your cup, and now you need time to refill—not just your energy, but your ideas too.

One of the best ways to reignite that spark is by consuming other forms of media. Personally, I get a lot of inspiration from reading fantasy books or manga. It could be the art style or characters that make me want to create again.

The key, though, is to do it for yourself, not just to spark ideas. Let yourself relax and enjoy that show, movie, or book you’ve been meaning to check out, without the pressure to create.

Often, I'll get a spark while reading and think, "I want to draw that character!" but don’t yet have the energy or a clear vision. And that’s perfectly fine—it means I’m still recharging, but knowing I have an idea in the works helps ease the pressure.

3. Browse Pinterest for Inspiration

Pinterest is one of my go-to places for visual inspiration and fresh ideas. Even if you're not in the mood to make something yourself, engaging with art through browsing can help satisfy your desire for art.

Creating is all about producing, so taking time to consume inspiration is just as essential to refill your creative cup.

That said, sometimes even Pinterest can feel repetitive—when everything starts looking the same, it’s a good idea to step away for a while. When you come back and search different keywords, your feed will refresh, showing you new ideas and perspectives!

4. Experience Life Outside Your Studio

Sometimes, the best way to refresh your creativity is to step outside and experience life. This isn't just about finding new ideas—it's also about taking care of yourself. Reach out to friends, especially if something is weighing on you.

Creative blocks can signal burnout or a need to address your mental and physical well-being. Art can be a solitary escape, and it's important to remember that you're more than just your work.

Engage with the world, whether it's through a walk, cooking a meal together, singing, or whatever else you need. See creative blocks not as obstacles but as signals from your body. Listen to them.

Find Out What Works For You

These strategies work for me, but it’s important to find what resonates with you. Experiment with different approaches, tune into what your mind and body are telling you, and be kind to yourself.

Every artist has their unique path, and uncovering your own way to spark inspiration is a key part of your creative journey.

If you want to follow along with my creative journey, check out my social media profile @shadowbloom_art for updates, tips, and my latest projects.


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